Bed & Breakfasts in Wexford

Bed & Breakfasts in Wexford

Other holiday ideas and property types in Wexford that might be interesting

FAQs: Bed & Breakfasts in Wexford

Which types of amenities can you expect to find at the bed and breakfasts in Wexford?

Out of the amenities offered by Holidu, it appears that the bed and breakfasts in Wexford offer everything that travellers dream of! Here, the bed and breakfasts generally have a variety of amenities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (91%), garden (55%), and balcony (55%)...Not bad, right?

How do travellers usually rate bed and breakfasts in Wexford?

On average, the bed and breakfasts get quite positive reviews. Judging by the Holidu data, 45% of bed and breakfasts have a rating average of 4.5 stars. This is a fairly high percentage which allows us to confirm that you will easily find the ideal bed and breakfast for a wonderful holiday!

Are the bed and breakfasts in Wexford suitable for families with children?

Holidu's data reveals that 73% of bed and breakfasts in Wexford are suitable for holidays with children, so you won't have any difficulty finding the perfect bed and breakfast for you and your family.

Do the bed and breakfasts in Wexford generally come with an internet connection?

Yes! According to Holidu's data, 91% of bed and breakfasts in Wexford offer Wi-Fi. It is therefore no problem for you to will be able to access your emails and favourite social media sites during your stay!

What is the average price for bed and breakfasts in Wexford?

Most of the bed and breakfasts in Wexford (91%) cost less than €100 per night. Therefore, this destination is perfect for reserving a budget-friendly bed and breakfast!

Are the bed and breakfasts in Wexford suitable for trips in large groups or rather for an escape as a small group?

According to last year's Holidu data, 100% of bed and breakfasts are made for only two guests. So this is the perfect destination for travelling with your other half or best friend. Ready for a weekend away together in Wexford? You are only a few clicks away from reserving!