Bed & Breakfasts in Portmagee

Bed & Breakfasts in Portmagee

7 properties for Bed & Breakfasts. Compare and book at the best price!

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FAQs: Bed & Breakfasts in Portmagee

Which types of amenities can you expect to find in the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee?

When looking at the amenities offered by Holidu, it seems that the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee benefit from everything that holiday-makers need! Here, the bed and breakfasts generally include a variety of amenities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (100%), garden (93%), and view (79%)...What are you waiting for?

What are the reviews like for the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee?

The bed and breakfasts here often have a lot of positive comments. 79% of bed and breakfasts have a rating of 4.5 stars, which means that here, you won't have difficulty finding a bed and breakfast for your next holiday!

Are the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee child-friendly?

According to the Holidu data, 64% of bed and breakfasts in Portmagee are suitable for holidays with children, it will therefore not be difficult to find the ideal bed and breakfast for you and your children.

Are the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee suitable for holiday-makers who wish to travel with their pets?

In general, a small percentage of bed and breakfasts in Portmagee accept furry friends. We can therefore advise that there are more suitable destinations in Ireland to take your faithful companion with you.

Do the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee often have an internet connection?

Certainly! According to Holidu's database, 100% of bed and breakfasts in Portmagee have Wi-Fi. It is therefore no problem for you to will be able to access your emails and favourite social media sites throughout your stay!

How much does it cost on average for bed and breakfasts in Portmagee?

Most of the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee (50%) cost less than €100 a night. This is the ideal destination for booking a budget-friendly bed and breakfast!

Are the bed and breakfasts in Portmagee suitable for trips in big groups or rather for a weekend break as a small group?

According to Holidu's database, 43% of bed and breakfasts welcome small groups of up to four travellers. Approximately 14% of the bed and breakfasts here include at least two separate bedrooms. Portmagee is the perfect destination for going in small groups, with family or friends!

Most popular amenities for Bed & Breakfasts in Portmagee